What a great day! We came home from church and the kids immediately went to the backyard and played croquet! Then, Dad went out and they played on the playset while I made lunch. We had a little picnic in the backyard complete with Ding Dongs for dessert....which the girls will model for illustration purposes!
We also taught Mater how to go down the steps...such a big accomplishment for a little puppy. He's doing much better about not using the carpet as a potty. We are crossing our fingers.
Little Brandon on the swing. If you look above his right eye you can (almost) see where he was glued together. Mike took off the steri-strips yesterday and it's looking pretty good. 
It was such a nice afternoon to remind us that sunshine is just around the corner! We had such a great time last summer playing, having our meals on the patio, playing soccer with Amanda, putting up the waterslide, seeing our fence go up, using the wheelbarrow to haul 10 or more loads of bark into the play area, boating, camping, and being a family. With Brandon being older this year, I'm sure we are up for much more fun. All this from one beautiful, sunny day!
Unloading the pictures from the camera, I found a few pictures from last month. The first is of the kids 'riding Daddy's horsey', a fun little game the kids made up years ago. If you look closely, you can see Mike under the kids. They sing the 'horsey, horsey' song and jump on his back! It's always a good game to get Mike out of bed on the weekends!

This picture is of Sydney learning to play the piano! She got really excited as Amanda was practicing and wanted to learn a couple of songs. We pulled out a pre-piano book and she has learned about 10 songs! She was so excited to show Daddy when he got home!

Then, because Brandon has to copy everything the girls do, he gave it a shot!

Cute moment from Mater...I thought it looked like he was smoking a stoggie! He loves these chew bones. Freaky dog eyes in this picture. Too much smoking.....

Mike and I were able to do an overnighter for our anniversary this weekend. Our anniversary is tomorrow....15 years! Unbelievable! We stayed at Grand America (and didn't sleep well because the bed was uncomfy!) and went to dinner at Ruth's Chris...where we got caught in the $6 bottled water scam and actually had 2 bottled waters ($12 on water! Ugh!)! We just laughed! We got to shop a little and see a movie. It was just a nice, relaxing weekend that we don't usually get! Thanks to Roger & Cozette for taking our kids overnight and for my parents for tending Mater. I can't believe it's been 15 years. It really is a strange feeling to look back and see how far we've come. Amazing to see all the we have been through and a wonderful feeling to know how blessed we are! Mike is truly my best friend. He was from the moment I met him. I just always knew we'd be together. He is an answer to my prayers and I am so lucky that he loves me. He's given me the most beautiful children who are the sweet little lights in my life...and I can't see my life being any better than it is! I'm living the dream!
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