Friday, July 15, 2016

Mike's flying with the Broncos and more football

Baileys is a big sponsor of the Broncos. I'm sure I've mentioned it before.  But, when I only update my blog every 3-4 months, I forget what I have mentioned. :) I'm trying to do better.  Right now, I'm stalling preparing my RS lesson. Yes, I was just called to be an instructor. Never done this before. Super anxious.  Laughing at the kick in the pants Heavenly Father is giving me because the first lesson I teach is on scripture study!  I'm terrible at individual scripture study and we read as a family about every 3 weeks.....This is now a new goal to be more consistent in scripture reading.
 Anyway, Mike got to fly with the Broncos, Spencer Jones (L) and Kevin Beckstead (C) to Kansas City for a game.  It was a huge game, but now that I am late on the documentation, I couldn't tell you anymore about it other than Broncos won in the last bit and it was a HUGE win!  Mike said they were hoping to get out of the stadium without getting beat up!
 Little pre game sideline action...
 That's pretty close to TV!

 A view from their seats....
 And the plane they few on...chartered for the Broncos and guests.  Pretty amazing! Even more amazing that he's done this more than once!
 Low-key celebrating the win!  Trying not to get in a scuffle with the KC fans!

 And then it's on to our favorite football team to watch: Brandon's team!!
 Above is how Mike watches the game.  He paces and always goes to stand where he can see the play the best.  Below is how I watch the game: Seated in the shade!  I sometimes go along the sidelines watching, but most of the time I am with other football moms or grand parents.
 More on his season later, but we had an amazing time with this team....two thumbs up!

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