Tuesday, January 5, 2016

More Summer 2k15

We took friends boating....
 Amanda, Maddy & Susie

 More photos from Sydney's Saltair photo shoot

 Got a terribly scary phone call one afternoon.  Amanda had been working at Bailey's and just left to come home. She blew her tire on the freeway shortly after getting on.
 She handled it perfectly! She pulled over and called me in tears!

 She called Mike but he didn't answer, so she called me and I ran down.  I called Mike as I was in route and told us we'd go back to fix it in a bit.
 So, I picked her up and then we went to meet Mike and change the tire on the freeway! So grateful she was safe!
 Remember when I told you about the Kaysville redneck swimming hole? Here's Amanda with the guys after swimming in it! I didn't realize she was the only girl, but proud of her for always being up for doing fun things!
 And she and Max being twiners....Max always lays like this and it's so weird!

 Took Sydney's friends boating...Morgan, Sydney & Brandon

 Griffin & Mason

 Amanda was lucky to go with the Wilsons to the Imagine Dragons concert! She LOVED it and LOVES the Wilsons!

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