Saturday, July 11, 2015

Phone updates

I've mentioned before that the beauty of the girls having to back up their phones to my computer is that I get all their pictures!  I thought I would add some to document some of their happenings.....I'm sure they'll hate that I did this...but it's my blog, so.....Below is a screen shot of Mason Masters instagram.  He and Sydney are great friends. He's a sweetheart.  Only child. Not LDS. But a friend she can count on and she talks with him constantly throughout the day.....
Some of Syd's friends.  Bentley on the right, Sydney, Morgan and Paige...

X Games

Sydney's 'first boyfriend' Max Krause.....

Screen shot of Addy, Sydney and Paige
I love this picture! Taken at Aunt Kay's house of Rachel, Amanda and Sydney and their 'pool do's'
Pretty picture of Addy
Amanda and her group of friend found a spot to have fires and watch the sunsets. I feel like I've posted this before....but just in case.

Friend Jaren:

Amanda, Tylor and Joey....three musketeers...

Chad Swim is facing the camera

Maddy and Amanda
The girls....Maddy, Susie, Liz and Amanda...sluffing church I'm sure....
Amanda and Chez at X Games

And then...this happened......Tylor...Amanda's boyfriend.

Amanda at dance...not a lot of dancing happening.....

She must have been face timing Joey

More Tylor

Love this quote
Amanda and Ty snowboarding every chance they got!

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