Wednesday, March 25, 2015

DHS Christmas Dance 2K14

 Amanda went to the girl's choice Christmas dance in December. She took Mikey Savage.  Mike was out of town on his Bronco's weekend.  Amanda was the only girl of her close friends that could drive, so she took my Tahoe. She's so not even close to being done with the 6 month restrictions, but we had been pretty lax about that (until February...but that's another story for another day).  So, when she went to pick up Mikey, she found out his step Dad is a cop! The cop asked her how long she's had her license and if her parents were ok with her driving tonight.  Thankfully, that's as far as it went and he let Mikey still go to the dance!
 I didn't figure out until later that when I turned my camera to take the portrait pictures, the camera strap was in the way of the flash! I have a bunch of pictures like this now.  The group met up at Susie Eames' grandparents house for pictures. We were hoping to take pictures outside, but it was a colder night.  We had been having 50's and 60's in December!
 Love Amanda's dress and her shoes! Sydney and I wish her shoes would fit us!!!
 This is Joey Giles and Susie. The only reason I'm posting this now is because since this dance, Joey has become Amanda's good friend.  She, Tylor and Joey are the 3 musketeers!  Joey asked Susie to prom, too....but they aren't dating..just friends now.
 I was asking for pictures....this is what I got! Mikey is a really nice kid who has been Amanda's friend since 8th or 9th grade.  She had a good time!

 We had major drama over this hair! We asked our neighbors, Nicole (who does my hair) and Emily (right next door) if they were available to do her hair and they were both busy. Remember that dress rehearsal I mentioned earlier for dance? That's what tied Nicole up.  Her daughter dances at the same place. Anyway, Mike called his hair gal and she said she could do it. She rearranged her schedule and everything! Super nice! Only problem is that she lives in West Point or Farr West or somewhere a half hour north of here. Amanda was scrambling after her dress rehearsal to get up there and then she took a long time and so then Amanda panicked coming home and getting dressed and out the door.  The worst part is that Amanda's hair NEVER holds a curl! It is so stick straight that by the time we got to pictures, this is the result.  All that time and that gal's effort and it was almost straight an hour later :(
 Here's the gropu....I know about half the girls and half the boys.  Boys from left: Joey, Mikey, Brevin, Reggie, Nubs (Landon), ?, ? and Cline.  Girls from left: Sue, Manda, Maddy, Maddie, ?, ?, ? Addie

 See? Stupid camera strap!!!

 Then, I wanted one with just her.....oh goodness....
 There we go!!
 Our beautiful girl!
 Here's a selfie that she took after picking Susie up....
 She downloads her pictures to the main computer, so we get to see these cute pictures every once in awhile!
 Here they are at the restaurant. They went to Happy Hashi...

Sydney is now downloading her photos here are a few selfies with Morgan from that same night, I believe.  Sydney and Morgan trying to figure out their new normal since Addy passed. Sydney having struggles probably more than all the other friends of course.  She spent 24/7 either with her or texting her or face timing her.....

 Love these girls!

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