I'm not sure I have the days straight, but I'll just type what I know for each picture!
Amanda eating Famous Ray's pizza by the Nat'l History Museum
New York Streets
The girls had a dance class that morning. This was for contemporary and the moms sat in the studio because it was bigger. It made the girls feel intimidated and the choreography ended up lecturing them. It was more about feeling and dancing to the music and not to the counts/beats.
I love watching Amanda dance and when she finally got what the choreographer told her, I cried! Right there in the studio, I cried! The class was over soon after that and I told Amanda that I was proud of her and that her dancing was beautiful and so she cried! Soon, she left to change her clothes and I ran into the choreographer and I thanked him and told him I was so glad that he pulled the emotion and dancing out of my daughter as well as the other girls and we chatted and he gave me a hug....ha ha! What a mom mess I was that day!!

After the dancing we went to Central Park. It was nice to have the guide with us because as many times as we have been there, we saw things we've never seen before....like this Alice in Wonderland sculpture. Here are the moms, grandmas and Sammy Lunt who is a sister of a dancer. We ended up getting to know so many great people this trip. Sammy, her mom Nicole and Grandma were among our favorites because they loved to have fun! We spent a lot of time with them. We got to know Kelsey Zundel and her mom. Kelsey (laying down) is new in our ward and it was so fun to get to know her. Such a sweetheart! Heather Terry whom I first met as we volunteered at Centennial Jr High during lunch activities. Her grandma died while we were there and she was very close with her. The family was going to have the funeral while she was gone, but luckily they waited until the day after she got home. Lorie, who's last name is escaping me, but I always thought she was a little snobbish, but she is the nicest, warmest person! Her missionary son has been suffering with kidney stones and during the whole trip she was waiting to hear if he was going to be sent home. Andria Berry, heart of gold. Lisa Gunther and Jill McBride so fun....I was so grateful for this opportunity to meet some new people!

Look at this gorgeous girl!
Jumping pictures....we'll have a lot of these, but they are cute and fun!
A larger view of the Bethesda Fountain...
John Lennon memorial. Brandon LOVES the Beatles, so we made sure to get a picture of this and of his apartment (below pic). The whole top floor of this building is John & Oko's and she still lives there from what I hear....
Super cute jumping picture! Amanda, Kaitlyn, Chaylor, JayCee and Erynn
Some pictures from the Nat'l History Museum. The Komodo Dragon below is for Brandon because he did his 3rd grade report on it.
The 'Give me Gum Gum' guy from Night at the Museum. Also, from New Zealand :) There was a line to take a picture with him....
Dinosaurs and a darling daughter!
That night we got to see Newsies! It was awesome! Our seats were terrible-ha ha, but we expected that. Afterward, we stayed outside to meet some of the cute actors. Nico from So You Think You Can Dance was their favorite. I have pictures of he and Amanda....