Friday, April 19, 2013


Since Mike had to work during spring break, we decided to schedule the carpet to be installed in the basement rooms we just finished.  We also decided to tell the kids that it wasn't going in until a week after we got home. So, when we arrived home on Sunday evening, Mike sent the girls to the basement to 'turn the water on' and pretty soon we heard screaming from the basement!  They were so excited! Then, we started moving them in so they could sleep there immediately!
 Here's a quick look. We have a lot of decorating, etc to still do.  My Mom and I are working on pillows for Sydney's window seat. My Mom's friend, Karen, is making us the cushion that goes on the window seat.  We need to find baskets for these deep and wide cubbies below the window seat....shutters, along with wall decor.  But Sydney LOVES having her own room and is making her bed and keeping room clean.
 Amanda's room needs more work. We are giving her our old queen bed, but want to buy a new mattress.  So, she has been sleeping on a queen box spring with a twin mattress, but she said she doesn't mind at all.  I'm refinishing a desk for her and we need shutters and wall decor, but her IKEA light in the corner is so awesome!  She loves her room, too!

And just for fun, here is the hall with carpet.  It's so fun to see it this part of the house finished!

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