Sunday, July 1, 2012

I'm back!

 I was having an issue with google/blogspot/picasa and ended up deleting old pictures.  I had to make sure I had printed my blog book first and with the busyness of May and June, I am just getting back to my blog!

So, Brandon's 7th birthday! I can hardly believe this little man is 7 years old!  His actual birthday was that really busy Saturday.  So, he woke up to presents and the candy poster made by his sisters.  Then we were off to competitions, etc.  When we got home that night, we had Backer's cake before bed!

 Here are Brandon's many 'golden tickets and cool colt' awards from the year.  He was awesome!

 The girls did a really cute job on the poster!  We gave Brandon 'Diary of a Whimpy Kid' books and mints.  He loves mints and was excited to get 3 packages of his very own!

Happy Birthday B! We love you so much!

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