Monday, July 2, 2012

Hip Hop Recital

Also on that busy Saturday was Amanda and Brandon's hip hop recital!
 Here is the one picture of Amanda. She is furthest left.  She was in the back the whole time and we could hardly see her. We weren't very happy.  This is the studio that she is going to dance comp for next year, so I hope in her future dances we can see her! From what we saw, she was a great hip hop dancer!
 Here is B in his group.  He loved hip hop!  Nash is on left, the B.

 Nice coffee grinder dude!
 Our dancers!
 After we got outside, the kids started posing next to this brick wall.  So, I started taking pictures.  These are only a few of them :)

We are proud of you Brandon and Amanda!  We went to Tepanyaki for Brandon's birthday dinner after the recital.  Grandpa & Grandma Arveseth came up to see the kids dance.  We are proud of you!!

1 comment:

Natty said...

Jill what happened to your little kids? They're practically out of the house! Please tell them to slow down... Crazy beans. They sure are pretty/handsome people!