First off, Amanda and Sydney both made the Nutcracker production for their ballet school! They are both so excited and I'm so glad both girls made it and not just one! Both are soldiers. Amanda is red and Sydney is blue and they will be on stage together for a minute! This production of the Nutcracker is really good, kid-oriented and available for Saturday matinees. We have guest principal dancers from Ballet West. It's a high quality performance, but kids are welcome in the audience. We'll be hitting up friends and family for tickets! :) The girls would love the support.
I can't believe how much time has gone by already since our cabin weekend (really my last post). Amanda's leg continues to heal and she's just down to wearing a band-aid over it for school and to keep it out of the sun. We are now trying to minimize the scarring. She did play in her soccer tourney and was a trooper. Most games she couldn't run all out, but she still played well and helped her team.
Mike went to Def Leppard with some friends from the neighborhood. Heart was also performing and he said they were impressed with Heart more and that a 60 year old woman could still belt out the ballads!
We got to go to the Bees game with Baileys. Amanda and Brynna spent the time texting boys. Ay ay ay....
And by last week, all the activities and piano were in full swing! Sydney has started cheer/tumbling and loves it! Brandon and Amanda started hip hop and love it! Brandon was showing us his moves when he got home from the first class and it was so cute! He is taking it with 3 friends from our neighborhood.
I'm 90% healed according to my doc. My knees are at about 95%. I'm up and at my life again at 110% with no more resting or watching dumb tv! I am sure tired at the end of the day and have an aching body, but nothing some ibuprofen can't fix.
And lastly, my dear Aunt Janice died on September 11. (I wish I could get a picture on here) She has been suffering with pancreatic cancer for less than a year. She is the sweetest person and didn't have an enemy in the world. My Uncle Gary told me the other day that he didn't know anyone who didn't like her and that he only saw her mad once. Someone in their ward was making fun of him....this person probably thought he was just joking around....but Janice thought this guy had crossed the line. She told the joker that he wasn't respecting her husband and that Gary is a wonderful man and he needed to start treating him with respect. Gary said she really laid into him. I thought what a wonderful thing for your husband to remember about you. That you were kind beyond belief and the only thing that got you upset was when someone dissed her eternal companion.
She has 4 great boys and 4 great daughters-in-law and 6 grandkids.
I have been hearing many wonderful stories about Janice this week. Many tributes from nieces and nephews are all over facebook. My brothers spent a lot of time at Janice's growing up and hanging with their boys. Roger lived with Janice and Gary for awhile when Mom & Dad moved to Missouri. Their door was always open.
I have been worrying about my sweet Mom. She and Janice were bff's. They were the last 2 of 5 siblings (my Mom is a few years older). Now my Mom has lost her sister and friend and it's been hard on her. The next few days will be hard. Gary has been so good to my Mom telling her that she was welcome to stay with Janice as long as she wanted. Now, he's invited her to help with the funeral (she's speaking), going to the mortuary, dressing her and doing her hair.
I will be helping Mom on Friday to get Janice ready for the viewing. This will be a first for me. I couldn't go see Janice when she was sick. I just couldn't see her like that. But, now I feel like I can help my Mom give her this last gift of kindness as we prepare her for burial. Plus, I want to be there with my Mom....to give her love and support during this emotional time. Janice's legacy will live on....and as I reflect on her life of kindness, I resolve to be kind, to love without requirement or judgement. I know I won't be able to compare to her (I have too much Gibson in me....not that it's a bad thing-we just aren't mellow people), but I will remember her and try.
1 comment:
Thank you Sweetie for your tribute and willingness to comfort me and help at this very difficult time. You are a good example of service and kindness to all who meet you.
Love ya oodles!!
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