Thursday, May 20, 2010

Brandon's croquet par-tay

We had the grandparents up on Monday to celebrate Brandon's birthday (more on that to follow). We had a nice little dinner - compiled of food mostly bought at Costco! Everytime someone would say something was good, I would reply, 'Costco' Gotta love Costco.

Anyway, Brandon had his heart set on playing croquet with everyone after dinner. Being good family members, we happily agreed. The game grew quite heated between the grandparents. I was surpised at how well my Dad knew the rules. Brandon enjoyed every minute!
Pictures from the rest of the party I will need to get from my Mom as my camera battery died. Thanks grandparents for a fun night celebrating our little Brandon!

Photo shoot

I enlisted the talents of my sis-in-law, Cozette, to take pictures of our kids. She just got a fancy new camera and is putting it to great use! We tried for about 3 weeks to get together, but this crazy Utah spring weather has not been helping much. Finally, we got a day and met at Temple Square. These pictures are a few by my camera. I'll post some of Coze's later. It was a fun, warm day and we could have stayed for hours! Enjoy a few!
The pictures of the flowers were all taken by Amanda. When we got home, she and Sydney pulled out her oil pastels and drawing pads and sketched those same flowers! They did a great job!

"Little purple pansies dressed in yellow gold" I loved that song as a child! Probably because my Mom would sing it....

Sunday, May 16, 2010

The Lone Survivor

It's happened.....Mike has strep! Mike never gets strep!

Strep has hit 4 out of 5 in our family. I am the lone survivor....will I make it?
Place your bets!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Brandon wisdom

After watching "Star Wars - Attack of the Clones" Brandon told me that "if your hand gets cut off, you can get a new one and glue it back on." Just so you know.....

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Some random randomness

Ok, and for my first randomness....this is my Hook grandparent's house. This is where my Mom grew up! The kids and I had met Cozette & her kids at Temple Square last week to take pictures (those in another post). Afterward, Brandon got picked up by Mike and they had a boy's night out with Mike's family. Jim & Renae took the boys to see the Three Muskateers at Hale Center Theater.

So, the girls decided to go to dinner! We hit Training Table with Cozette's family. After leaving them, I just started driving around downtown and south to show the girls some of the things of my childhood. I'm not sure they have ever seen the house where their Grandma Gib grew up! It was fun and I was so glad that Amanda was brave enough to take a picture for me. It was a great house and I still remember so many things about it. The yard has changed a lot. There weren't stars above the windows. But, my favorite July 4th memories remain here. We would come over for a bbq with the family and then walk down to the park at the end of the street. That park was kiddie-corner from Liberty Park, so we could see all the fireworks! I loved sharing those stories with our girls. We also hit The Dodo for some dessert since we were in the neighborhood!

Sydney was so excited to get her ballet costume that she tried it on, asked me to take a picture and then told me I should put it on the blog. She's so cute! Love the girl's ballet school.
Then, Brandon's preschool had a Mother's Tea last week. The Moms came and were served by our cute children. It was so fun. Brandon just stayed by my side and hugged me. He was really excited to have me there!

They sang a little program for us. Mostly songs about letters of the alphabet. So darling! Brandon sings these songs constantly at home and I love it!

After they were finished, they presented us with cute little flower pots that they had painted and planted a petunia! So precious!

I can't believe our baby is just about done with preschool! I'm having a hard time not wanting him to grow up! He's my buddy. Always there with a great hug or snuggle. Always wants me to tickle him. He likes to tell me stories.

I just hate to think that someday, he won't think I'm so much fun to hang with!