Monday, October 3, 2016

Cabin fun

The same weekend that Amanda was at Epic Convention, Scott & Kellie invited us up to their cabin.  This place is fun and the kids love going! Amanda came up after the convention and we stayed through Sunday. Not all the families made it this time, but it was still great! Sydney and I thought we should try to take some pictures of the kids to update the picture wall. Here's some of them, but a short month later we had Brenda, our friend, take professional ones!
 Some of the was cold and there was snow on the ground!

 Mike looking at the back of their cabin. It's a huge place.  Someday, I would love to have a cabin...not this big (it's probably 10,000 sq feet)....but it's a great weekend get-away....
 Amanda..and below her Napoleon Dynamite pose...


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