Thursday, September 29, 2016

DHS Halloween dance

I'm almost a year behind! Still plugging along and trying to get caught up.....I'm sad this year because there is no DHS Halloween dance.  The kids got in trouble last year because they mosh pit during dances and someone got hurt.  The parents of the hurt kid tried to sue the school district.  So, they too away two dances.  If they are good, they earn one back, but that will be Sadie's in the spring. I told Amanda she should get some friends together and ask guys from another school to their Halloween dance.  This dance is always so much fun and I'm sad she doesn't get one her senior year.  However, last year's dance will be remembered as a great one for her.  She went with all her senior and a few junior friends.  She asked Joey Giles who is her good friend.  In fact, he leaves on his mission in one week!   I went to take their pictures for them.  We hopped the fence at the city splash pad which is by the new library.
 Sydney and Morgan came with me, but tried to hide out at the playground!

 You get the theme, right?

 Amanda was so excited to be able to use her fanny pack!

 Cutest girls!

 The sunset was incredible that night and I messed with my camera to make it 'lighter' I took this in the dark, but it looks like dusk!  The sunlight on their hair is actually lamp light...Addie, Amanda and Kes always take a pic like this. I don't know why! :)

 Pictures with Mama Jill

 And did I post this cool picture by Dustin Breau of the boys?

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