Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Busy busy busy

 Something about April….it kicks busy into high gear!
 So, let's catch up!  This photo above is Amanda and her friends recreating Pretty Little Liars…one of their favorite tv shows. I think they did a great job!  They also did Duck Dynasty. That one's pretty funny too and I'll post if I find it.

With the Winter Olympics happening this past February, our family was glued to fun events like Slopestyle Skiing and Snowboarding, Bordercross, among other X Game type sports.  Amanda loves snowboarding so much and so she knew about these guys below before we did, but we joined right in once we started watching!
 Joss Christensen, a Park City native, won the first ever slope style Gold in Skiing.  His Dad died within the last year. He dedicated the medal to him.  There was a meet and great in Park City on conference weekend, and so we took the kids, along with Amanda's friend, Chezney, so they could meet Joss & Sage.
 So so nice and pretty cute kid!  We tweeted that we met him and instagramed it and he liked it!  The girls were on the moon about that!
 And Sage Kotsenberg…not born in Utah…but raised in Park City….he won the first ever Gold medal in Slopestyle snowboard.
 Brandon got his skiing helmet signed….pretty dang cool!

 The girls got the photos they hand out signed and were super excited about that!
It was really fun to see them so excited to meet these guys they had seen win Gold on tv and that they may or may not have crushes on :)

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