Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas 2013

So hard to believe that we have experienced another Christmas and now are onto a new year!  The kids went back to school today, so I find myself with a quiet house. After 2 hours of ironing, I decided to sit a bit and try to update!
 Well, I had a birthday.  Forty-four.  When did this happen? Ugh....My family was awesome and we had dinner and the cake (Mike ordered it a few days ahead!!!)  We saw a movie together.  All in all a great day except for the turning one year older!

Texts from my brothers and friends and a phone call from my parents. It's so nice when people remember my birthday during this crazy busy time of year!  It means a lot to me.

 Amanda has been taking photography in school this semester.  She's becoming quite good! I find pictures on my Canon camera a lot these days. Here are few fun ones....

 Amanda and Sydney took the camera out one day to take pictures on the rail trail behind our cute!

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