Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Amanda's 15th birthday

The wee hours of the morning of Amanda's birthday!
 Since Amanda goes to bed later than Sydney, Syd thought it would be smart to get up at 5AM and decorate for Amanda's birthday.
 We blew up balloons to do the balloon avalanche, but couldn't find the painters tape (later located IN Amanda's room), so we just put them in on the floor while she was asleep.

 Sydney was extremely hype about this whole deal, but didn't want her picture taken this morning.
 She was jumping around everywhere! After we got the balloons in Amanda's room, Sydney started ripping crepe paper and decorated Amanda's bed with her in it!
 Later, Amanda said she heard us, but was too tired to open her eyes.....

 Candy poster by her siblings....
 Then, at 7:15am, these cute friends came over and made Amanda chocolate chip waffles for her birthday!

 Amanda imitating pictures from her youth.  She used to make the funniest faces and I would tell her someday you won't like that picture....but the pictures just make her laugh now!
 Amanda and her 'twin' Maddy....I have no idea why they are posing like that....
 Susie, Maddy, Amanda & Liz....Fearsome Foursome

 They liked their laughing pictures...

Mary, Ally, Erynn, Susie, Maddy, Amanda and Liz
Such a fun and cute group of girls!

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