Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Great Ice Storm of January

Mike was out of town....He was in Denver which was 68 degrees!  We had a great freezing rain run through Northern Utah.  I don't ever remember having freezing rain here. I have seen it when my parents lived in Missouri and from that I know it isn't something to mess with.
 I had a Primary presidency meeting. We were going to lunch, but decided to just meet at Ann's house to avoid driving. At first, Shanna and I tried to park on her driveway, but the cars were slipping down.  So, we carefully walked up the driveway, well, tried. We got STUCK WALKING!  We couldn't go anywhere.  We were laughing so hard! Mike called me right then and I talked to him while Shanna called Ann for help.  She ran out, through some ice melt down and threw us an extension cord to help us trek up the driveway. Classic.
 Here is my driveway. Couldn't get up this either until I threw out a bunch of ice melt.
 And as luck would have it, it was my carpool day . Here is Amanda (in green) leading the girls across the snow because it was safer than maneuvering the sidewalk.  That is it was until she jumped out of the snow onto the sidewalk and fell flat.  The three other girls did the same thing!
All kid related activities were canceled and the next day school was on late start.  Quite the adventure!


Heidi Green said...

Ok, I've been MIA lately so I have lots to comment:
-That ice storm was crazy!! We took the kids to preschool but they couldn't get up the driveway either. Such weird weather this year.
-Sydney looks so cute. You can tell she really enjoys cheering. She was adorable at the YW intro last Wednesday. :)
-I didn't know you were subbing! Did you just start this year? I'll bet the kids love having you sub - you're so much fun. Do you just do elementary or are you doing the older grades too?

Natty said...

I laughed out loud when I read about your ice storm adventure. That is classic! Glad no one broke a hip!

Jill said...

Thanks Nat. Breaking a hip sounds like I'm 80 ;)

Heidi, I can't sub classes because my degree is not a teaching degree, but I have subbed for library, playground and was going to sub art until Brandon and Sydney started throwing up that day. Gotta love it!