Saturday, February 19, 2011

Brandon says:

Ok, the last post was very serious, so this one is the complete opposite!

Being our first boy, there has been dicussion about not hitting him in the private parts. His buddies call privates 'the weak spot' and 'the tenders' and those words have made it into the vocabulary at our house now, too.

So, on our way home from a trip, we stopped at a Carl's Jr. and Sydney ordered chicken 'tenders'

As soon as he heard that, Brandon broke into uncontrollable laughter and said, 'She's getting the chicken's tenders!'

We all broke into uncontrollable laughter and will never be able to order chicken tenders again without thinking of this Brandon moment......


Heidi Green said...

I've just spent quite a bit of time reading lots and lots of your blog... so fun! Thanks for the invite. And btw - this story is hilarious! :)

Tiffany said...

What a "Tender" moment....hahaha