You don't always get a picture of your kid's friends. Amanda downloaded some pix to the computer, so I am grabbing them to document them. This is Corey Crockett. She asked him to the Halloween dance! They were bf and gf in 8th grade and then broke up. They are to a point where they are good friends now. She was going to ask another boy, McKay, and texted Corey for McKay's address. Sunday came and went and she didn't ask. Monday came and went and because she was waiting on Chezney, she didn't ask. Tuesday came and she went to Young Women's and then came home with Maddy and started homework. I told them I would help them ask, but we needed to get going so it wouldn't be 11pm by the time we were done. So, they made a poster and forgot to put McKay's name on it. So, Amanda made a paper with his name on it and they stuck it on the poster. We went to WalMart and got a pumpkin and candy, they wrote each letter of her name on the milk duds and went to deliver to McKay.
As Sydney and I were parking the car so we could see the house, she said, 'What if he got asked 30 minutes ago?' Amanda and Maddy were sneaking up to the door just as they turned off all their lights. They froze....and then dumped the stuff on the doorstep, rang the doorbell and ran across his driveway to hide.
When we got home, Amanda got a text that McKay had been asked 20 minutes earlier! He said he really wanted to go with her, but needed to go with the first girl. So, he offered to give the stuff back and Amanda said don't worry about it. When she told me about it, I said get the stuff back and we'll go ask someone else! So, she chose Corey! We picked up the stuff from McKay and as I was parked in the driveway I looked down at his driveway and could see how the other girl asked him. She did a body outline and put a poster on it saying I'd die to go with you. Amanda and Maddy ran right over it when they were running from his doorstep! Ha ha ha! I showed Amanda and we had a good laugh.

Turns out McKay ate half the candy before we got it back! She took his name off the poster and put Corey's name on it. She said not to worry about the candy as long as her name was in there. We dropped it on Corey's doorstep at 11pm....and she texted him to go look outside. He was so excited and texted right back! He said I though you were going to ask McKay because you asked for his address! I told her she better come clean with him because he and McKay are friends. So she told him McKay had already been asked, but she was really excited to go with him (Corey). So, it all worked out great! She, Maddy, Liz, Susie are in a group with Olivia Nielsen and friends. Olivia's mom and I are good football friends. We worked together in jr high PTSA and then our boys ended up on the same football team for 2 years so far. Love that family and so excited they are going together!
Below is Corey's answer to Amanda. The pumpkin has a note inside saying YES! I took this from her vsco account and didn't edit, that's why her name is on here!!
They do day dates and then the dance another day with an after party. So for their day date, they are going to pick pumpkins, go to Liz's to decorate them and then back to the corn maze. The dance dinner will be at the Pirate ship at Cherry Hill thanks to Maddy's connections! So fun! They will be pirates! Then, the after party is at a rented out Classic Skating. Sounds like a blast!
Sorry about the sideways picture, I should have edited before uploading it! This is Amanda's high school carpool minus Maddy. Austin Keeler takes Liz and Amanda and brings them home everyday for $5 a week! Total bargain! Plus, he's a junior and cute, so they really like going with him!!